Absolute Digitizing can help you get high quality embroidery digitizing with Hatch Embroidery Digitizer. Get your designs converted to embroidery files that actually work.
If you are a fashion designer, hobbyist or a commercial embroiderer, we are the solution to your digitizing needs. Get your designs ready for embroidery at the lowest price ever $1 / 1000 stitches.
Click right here and connect with a digitizing expert! Get your file delivered in your inbox without any delay.
What is Embroidery Digitizing
Most people have not heard about embroidery digitizing until they meet an embroiderer. Digitizing for embroidery is not new. It has been around for decades making it possible for brands and businesses to embroider amazing designs with machines.
Embroidery digitizing is the process to convert an image to machine stitch file. The process is sophisticated but takes time to complete. At times, an image with lots of elements can take hours to finish by a professional digitizer.
The person who converts simple images to machine readable files is known as digitizer. As the demand for embroidery digitizing grows, the role of a digitizer has become permanent. It is now a full-time job and many talented people are working as professional digitizer all over the globe.
Embroidery digitizing is a manual process but takes place within a software. You cannot use any embroidery software for it, other than the specifically designed ones. Hatch Embroidery is a popular software used for digitizing for embroidery.
Machines have replaced embroidery by hand which is slow, expensive and unreliable for mass production. Embroidery machines, although, equipped with a computer work automatically, cannot work on ordinary images.
Opposed to the common perception that the machine prints an image with threads on fabric. It works just like any other sewing machine but in an advanced way. It also needs to be controlled but, in this case, the software controls it instead of a human.
The software receives instructions from the embroidery digitized file. The file contains instructions from start till end. It helps control the speed and the movement of the needle throughout the sewing process. The embroiderer’s assistant is only responsible to hoop the fabric and put in the threads.
How to Use Hatch Embroidery
Hatch Embroidery is one of the most advanced software available today for embroidery digitizing. It comes loaded with a variety of options that help embroider simple and fancy designs beautifully on fabric.
Even if you do not plan to digitize a design yourself, it is good to have knowledge about the software. It helps clear a lot of misconceptions enabling you to communicate better with the digitizer. Having familiarity with the process enables to provide clear instructions and get desired outcome.
First of all, you need to purchase the software and install in your computer. Hatch Embroidery is a feature rich software and can only run on a modern PC. There is no mobile app or online source to run it. Thus, you must own a decent PC powerful enough to run demanding programs.
Once you have fulfilled all the hardware and software requirements, now it is time to install and run Hatch Embroidery. Create a new file and import the desired image into it. Always choose a simple image to practice.
You can download any image with a clear background from the internet to practice upon. If there are any unwanted elements, clear them to get a clean image. Once done with clearing away the clutter, start applying the stabilizer settings.
The stabilizer or underlay is an important element when embroidering. It provides an extra layer to the fabric and strengthens it. You have to enter the correct values to determine the style of action the machine adopts.
Start from the boundary of the design placing the needle points to sew a firm outline. Sewing the outline first will help keep the fabric in place throughout the process. Once you digitize boundaries, work on the inner design.
Hatch Embroidery Digitizer is Not Hard to Find
We live in the age of internet. Communication is not a problem at all today and you can find a professional digitizer online. Using any search engine, you can find links to all the service providers.
If you are choosing a digitizer agency for the first time, it may seem tricky at first. Surely, distinguishing the right one can be an uphill task. However, it is not that difficult as it seems.
The best way to find if the company is suitable for you is by contacting them first. Send them an email explaining your design and your requirements. If you think it best, share your design.
Sharing the design will help the digitizing company understand the work involved in a better way. Hatch Embroidery digitizing is not like selling a product. It is actually about selling their services.
Thus, prices can vary according to your design. For instance, at Absolute Digitizing, you can get a left chest logo digitizing for as low as $10 per design. Only in rare cases does the price go up.
But every company has their own procedure and their own rates. Some digitizers charge a lot more than we do for the left chest logo digitizing. This does not mean we cut down on quality.
Our journey began 20 years ago. Over the years we have understood the best practices of digitizing and are now able to offer competitive rates.
Top Quality Services Guaranteed
Absolute Digitizing is a USA based embroidery digitizing service. We have a team of professional Hatch Embroidery digitizers. Our team is fully capable to handle every kind of design with professionalism.
Our customers enjoy top notch customer support and high-quality embroidery digitizing. The files we send to our customers never expire. Which means, it can be used for a lifetime.
Whenever you need new embroidery for the same logo or design, reuse the file. Your one-time investment pays you for a lifetime. You will only need a new file when the logo gets a new makeover.
There are no hidden charges. Once committed, we deliver the file within time and within the agreed price. If you have any special instructions for us, let us know and we will be happy to oblige.
Let’s start digitizing your design. Share the concept with us and we will deliver you a file that brings your design to life. Get flawless embroidery on your choice of fabric every time you use our file.