Hats and caps are important headgear fashion accessory. They not only make us look stylish, but also save our hair from dust and UV rays. Headwear is known to be a successful advertising medium for a brand but its embroidery can drive anyone up the wall. Hat Embroidery digitizing is a challenging task, even the production process is arduous. The statement is true to a person having novice or intermediate level of expertise. However, an experienced digitizer or embroiderer knows how to handle the difficulties.
Only the expert digitizers and embroiderers accept headgear projects. There are many intricacies involved in every step due to limited working space. Unusual shapes, different types of fabric and many other factors make custom hat embroidery a daunting task. Most hat designers have trouble finding an embroiderer who willingly agrees to the task. In headwear embroidery, the challenges are never-ending. You can’t just lay out the fabric as is in the case of shirts or clothing.
However, nothing is impossible. There is a solution for every issue and it is only a matter of understanding the situation and handling it properly. In this blog, we will discuss the commonly faced problems by embroidery digitizers and embroiderers.
Bucket Hats
The bucket hat is made from heavy-duty cotton such as denim or canvas and it has a wide downward sloping brim. Most manufacturers place metal eyelets on the crown for ventilation. It is widely known as the fisherman’s hat and it became a fashion item in the 1960s when designers used it in their catwalk.
The Problem:
Bucket hats have a peculiar design, it takes six different pieces to make one complete hat. In most cases, it is only possible to use designs and fonts vertically. Hats with shorter circumference are problematic due to less working space available. Most hats have a fabric around the hem which reduces the space even more. Nevertheless, many bucket hats have air holes and snaps on their sides which make matters even more complicated during custom hat embroidery digitizing.
The hat causes problems under the needle too. The brim of the hat often gets caught up in machine’s arm causing it to get stained. The production staff then have to halt the process and remove the greased hat for cleaning. Sometimes when machines are thoroughly oiled, embroidering hats can become a mess. Most novices fail to recognize the stains early and as a result, removing the marks cause delays in production.
Many bucket hat designs will cause the problems mentioned above due to constrained workable space, there’s no escaping it. Unfortunately, there is no easy fix other than to thoroughly clean the machines after oiling them. I agree that it is an onerous job but to avoid staining, it is best to clean before commencing production. You have to be very careful with light colored fabrics, sometimes oil stains can leave a permanent mark.
Visor Caps
A visor’s main function is to protect the eyes from sunlight. It does not have a head covering but is more like a headband with a shade attached to it. It is a sports accessory widely used by tennis players.
The Problem:
As compared to bucket hats, the problem intensifies with visors. The working space is further reduced and cap embroidery digitizing becomes very challenging. A horizontal design is suitable in this situation rather than vertical. Companies having tall logos are called to provide alternates that spread in width, but unfortunately most of the time it is not possible.
Embroiderers also have to be extra cautious during production as the back side cannot be embroidered.
Owing to the shape, solutions for custom hat embroidery on visors is limited. Tackling the space limitation is not easy and everything has to be planned within the available dimensions. The only ideal location is the front center and the key to best result is by keeping things simple.
When designing the front side, the maximum height available is 1.25 inches and 4 -5 inches width. Working on either side will restrict to designs less than 1 inch high considering the crown curve. To avoid any conflicts upon delivery, we suggest you keep your customer informed. Tell him about the limitations and the reasons too if necessary.
Snapback Caps
Commonly known as a baseball cap, it is a soft cap having a round crown and a stiff bill on the front. When used for advertisement purposes, the front often carries a design or a logo of sports teams, company or music artists. The back has a Velcro that can be snapped in place according to the wearer’s head size.
The Problem:
Snapbacks are easy to deal with during the digitizing process. There is ample space on the front center to work with standard designs. The only major problems occur during production because snapback bills are quite large and they become an obstacle.
Instruct your staff to be more careful during the custom hat embroidery digitizing and production process. Make sure the trimmers are keeping the bills straight. Unfortunately, there is no other solution to it. You have to keep a watchful eye over the process to avoid any waste.
A toque is a knit cap made from wool. It is a head-hugging cap made out of panels and also known as the beanie or skully. Historically it was known as the seaman’s hat, but today it is commonly used in cold regions to cover the head and keep it warm. Now it has become a part of headwear fashion and widely used by advertisers by placing a logo or design on the front.
The Problem:
A toque or a beanie does not have hindrances like the caps with a peak. You can embroider the design on any side because it is the same from the back or front and design elements usually disappear in it.
When embroidering be sure to use an underlay. Knitted fabrics can stretch a lot in every direction so you have to be careful about the push and pull compensation during Embroidery Digitizing. The use of solid fill stitch can also provide a relief and keep the design afloat.
Custom Hat Embroidery Digitizing Services
Absolute Digitizing is a leading name in the embroidery digitizing industry. With over a decade of experience, we have already worked on many custom hat embroidery digitizing projects. We offer the cheapest digitising for only $1/1000 stitches and complete customer satisfaction. Rest assured that we provide only the best quality because we are professional embroidery digitizers. We have a quick turnaround time of delivering high-quality digitizing in only 12 – 24 hours. If you are in need of urgent digitization, let us know and we will ensure you get quality work within a couple of hours.